Saturday, October 02, 2004

Brutal Blogger!

So after an August that was filled with anticipation for school, followed a September full of procrastination. I absolutely cannot believe that it is October 2nd already, and I have decided that I am the most brutal blogger ever! This is my first experience with absolutely anything like this, and I think it's definately going to take some getting used to in order for me to stay afloat. I welcome any classmates to kick me when they see me if I fall behind... sometimes I need some extra coaxing! (please be gentle, I am quite fragile)....

Okay then, I think I am going to at least explain my academic experiences thusfar so hopefully some of you will get to know me better, and I you, for that matter. Well, to be completely honest with you, I passed high school about 5 years ago, and I use the term 'passed' quite loosely... by the skin of my teeth is more like it! I was quite unfocused, quite unmotivated, and decided school was definately not for me. So off into the working world I went, only to be crushed by the harsh realization that data entry for the rest of my life was definately NOT for me! So after a year and a bit of staring a a computer screen going cross-eyed (as I pretty much am right now, how ironic) I went back to school at Humber College to study "General Arts & Science". HAHAHA, I know how seriously vague that sounds, but it ended up being the best experience of my life! Here I was introduced to a new type of learning, learning that was interesting (for the most part) and that I could really sink my teeth into. Now I've always been partial to English and literature courses, however, this is when I first fell in love with poetry, and I've been hooked ever since. My first loves have been Blake and Wordsworth, but I must admit, I am still a rookie, and trying to absorb all that I can! (Hence why I am taking this course!)

Here's something to nibble on of my own if you're interested....

I’m spidered
cracked and shattered
but you can’t break me
I’m holding on tight
everything I value
has slipped through my hands
when I look at my reflection
I find it scattered
I can’t find the core
I’m slipping away
I want to fall
Just to feel the breeze
My numbness is intoxicating
Blurring my reality
Passion overtakes me
and exhausts every inch of me
The strength I thought I once had
Is no more


Blogger Valerie said...

Hi Dana! I just realized that I am in another blogging group than I was before, so I thought I would browse around and see the blogs of my new group members.
Well, don't worry! If you need a little push, then I can give you a little push. I might need one myself at times!!
What I thought was interesting was that you said you took the General Arts and Sciences program at Humber. Well, I took the General Arts and Sciences program at Seneca college and I have to agree with you that it was a most amazing experience. You'd figure that the program would be very general and dull, but it really was a wonderful program with variety and it enhanced a lot of my abilities and skills as a student.
I see that you write poetry as well. You can check out one of my poems in my blog if you want. Anyway, I just thought I'd sort of "introduce" myself, and I'll check back here later. Have a good one! :)

October 3, 2004 at 4:22 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

I was given "The Collected Poems of W.B.Yeats" by Richard J. Finneran about five years ago. Two years ago I decided to blow the dust off, and give it a glance. I've been perusing it ever since, and when occassion arises, lending it to peers.

Diggn' Yeats...


"A Coat"

I made my song a coat
Covered with embroideries
Out of old mythologies
From heel to throat;
But the fools caught it,
Wore it in the world's eyes
As thought they'd wrought it.
Song, let them take it,
Fore there's more enterprise
In walking naked.

- Yeats

Very simple.

I primarily enjoy Yeat's lyrical work, it's moving, quite fun, and more often than not, quite silly...the good kinda silly (not the "I feel embarrassed reading this" kinda silly)his work is moving and encompasses a vast aray of subjects.

more a little lata on.


October 14, 2004 at 9:07 PM  

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